I have finally made some time to have a look at the BackTrack 4 pre release, and one of the things I decided to test out first was the new version of kismet, and this obviously lead onto to some WEP and WPA cracking.
We dont need to go into the WEP issues, you only have to look at it and it rolls over, but WPA is a different animal.
So we set airodump running, then deauth a connected client (we need this with WPA, I am not aware of a clientless attack), once this is successful we should of captured the 4 way handshake, so now let the cracking commence.
*I have not done any tutorials on this as there are just millions of guides around on the intertubes, but if enough people ask I would be happy to put something together at some point.
So, what this post was about to start with, getting the crack on. So for WPA you need brute force, so you need some good dictionarys and / or rainbow tables. I have a few already, but its always good to have a few more so I had a search about and came across a couple of sites that I thought I would share. It is worth noting these files can be BIG, and when you use something like aircrack you going to have issues reading the files so your going to need to split them up into files of 500Mb or less in my experiance.
This is simple enough to do in Linux witht he split command
split –bytes=50m “filename.txt” “outputfilename”
Torrent Download for Purehates Worldlist – 2.5GB worth
Offensive Security WPA Tables
wifi0wn Blog – Links to about 20 dictionarys including different languages

Image of Cracked WPA provided by Click Death Squad