PayPal’s Top Up Card.

I stumbled over this whilst surfing this evening, and I think its a fantastic idea for those worried about disclosing credit card information online, or in a shop for that matter.

Basically PayPal have teamed up with Visa to offer a sort of pay as you go Credit Card. So you pop £50 for example, and there you go, off spending.

I dont know what would happen if you go over your pre topped up credit, probably be a few issues there 🙂

Read more on PayPals site.

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal

I had heard about the Malicious Software Removal Tool, that is supposed to run once a month at update time to check your machine for bad stuff.
Although I had never seen it run. Turns out if you run the application MRT, you can do ad-hoc scans.

I just carried out a full scan, and no issues. This is not an AV replacement, but certainly something worth running on occasion as I am not convinced its doing it automatically, its certainly not real time.


Visit the Microsoft site to learn more.

Yubico’s YubiKey

I stumbled across the Yubico website when doing some research today, and they have a rather interesting product called the YubiKey.

Bascially this key creates a One Time Password at the touch of a button. I dont really know a great deal more than they have on their website, but I am hopefully going to get my hands on to see how it works with the applications I have.

For now check out the Yubico Website.

Is your Windows Command Line Foo Weak?? Then you need this :)

We all know the Linux guru’s (certainly not me) can do everything from the comman line, well some funky powerful stuff is also possible from the Windows command line.

I had heard mention of this before, but I recently heard of this again on PaulDotCom that a new blog has been setup, so I thought I would share that with you all, for your pleasure.

Command Line Kung Fu

This blog will include fun, useful, interesting, security related, non-security related, tips, and tricks associated with the command line. It will include OS X, Linux, and even Windows!


UK Government looking to adopt open source technology

I read in the news recently about the UK Government are looking, or at least being encouraged to look at it seriously. This is all about value for money, and comparing it to Windows.

I think this is a seriously good approach, as it could save the government, and that hopefully means Joe Public a small fortune. There will also be the issues around support, and patching and general security of these systems. It is positve news though that government organisations may be moving into the 21st century and looking into alternative methods for computing.

Heres the story on the BBC Website.