Google Latitude… Spy Tech for the masses

I am sure many of you will have heard of Googles latest maps feature, Latitude.
Basically it utilises the Google maps for mobile devices, and the fact that many of these feature in built GPS units.
So now you can keep track of your friends and family, or if your abit of a numpty leave it activated so people can see you, not where you said you would be 🙂

Seriously though, there is alot of hype going on about the security risks with this new feature, however you need to give permission to allow someone to view your status, and also set the mobile device to show the status.

So if your using this, then make sure you disable your visable status when you dont want to be spied on.


Caution Zombies Ahead!!

I heard about some road side sign hacking, and I thought it sounded excellent. Obviously there are some safety risks here, as the signs are really there to inform about the road conditions. No doubt this will spark the good old, all Hackers are evil, but still I thought it was worth posting.

For more information check out



Well this is it, the first post on the Security Active blog.

Here you will find information on my thoughts, mutterings and findings relating to security, gadgets and technology.

Hope you enjoy 🙂