Tag Archives: Field Fisher Waterhouse

Cyber Security Challenge

The Cyber Security Challenge UK is a not for profit organisation run by public and private sector leaders in information security.

I had heard about this before, but was given a hand out at Infosec 2010 so thought I would pop a quick post up about it.

Cyber Security Challenge UK will work with recognised experts to develop a series of professional ‘games’ that replicate the problems cyber security professionals have to deal with every day. They will require contestants to use all their talent and know-how.

To successfully proceed to the next round of each challenge contestants will be required to display quick, intelligent and creative thinking and the potential to develop the cyber security skills the UK needs to employ. Competitions will be open to all ages and skills levels, some will be targeted at school leavers and undergraduate students. Successful candidates can expect places in regional workshops and the best will receive offers of scholarships, places in mentoring schemes within leading private and public sector organisations and other career enhancing opportunities. It doesn’t stop there, ongoing communications will keep contestants informed about the best cyber security courses and jobs, with some contestants being introduced to the appropriate colleges and employers for their skill set.

For more information on the UK Cyber Security Challenge and to get involved visit the site.